Shipment conditions
We ship parcels from London to the UK.
Parcels are shipped from the Czech Republic-Brno to the rest of the world (EU and non-EU countries).
How can I check my order status and track my delivery?
Once your order has been dispatched, we will send you a shipping confirmation email including your tracking information. You can always track your order by logging in and checking the Order Confirmation page.
Sometimes our emails can end up in your spam folder or ‘Promotions’ tab in Gmail. If you can't find your shipping confirmation email, try searching your inbox for all emails from Please keep in mind: Once an order has shipped, tracking information can take up to 48 hours to update. If it’s been over 48 hours without an update, you're unable to locate your shipping confirmation email, or are encountering any other issue, send us an email straight away - we're here for you!
When can I expect to receive my order?
Our processing and dispatch process starts from the moment we get credit card authorisation and verification. We aim to process and dispatch your order within 2-3 business days, Monday through Friday.
Help! There’s an issue with my order.
If you’ve encountered a problem with your shipping details, delivery, products, or any other issues, we’re here to help! Please send us a message as soon as possible and we'll do our best to amend it.
Shipping costs
All shipping rates are calculated by the shipping provider based on package weight and zip code/destination. We will send you a quotation after placing the order.
Payment methods
- By card through secure platform OPAYO
- Transaction on the account - Order is sent once we receive the full amount for the order. Your order is automatically cancelled if we do not receive a payment within 7 working days.
Account details:
For EUR payment: IBAN: CZ6955000000000094560294, order number is variable symbol
For GBP payment: account number: 12711842, sort code: 40-13-07 - PayPal
- Klarna